Published on July 29, 2019
By Riverview Dental
When you suffer from a fairly strong fear of the dentist, the prospect of having a dental procedure can feel like the impossible. In fact, many patients actively avoid visiting their dentist even for a check-up for fear that they will be told that they need treatment. Unfortunately, this means that your dental health is almost certainly needlessly suffering. Dental check-ups are an invaluable part of your preventative dental care, enabling your dentist to identify developing issues early and before they cause symptoms or have a detrimental impact on your oral health. However, it isn’t just your teeth and smile that are at risk. Research has found conclusive evidence that there are very real links between oral hygiene and good overall health, with patients who neglect their dental care being found to be more likely to suffer from conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease and more.
Fortunately, there is a way that even the most frightened and fearful patient can tolerate a dental procedure – sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is the name given to dental procedures that are carried out while the patient is under the effects of a sedative medication.
There are different levels of sedation and the way in which your sedative medication will be administered will depend on the type of sedation you need.
Nitrous Oxide – The lightest form of sedation, the gas is administered via a mask placed over your nose. You will feel relaxed and slightly euphoric while you are breathing the gas, although the effects wear off moments after you stop inhaling it.
Oral sedation – If you need to be moderately sedated, you will probably be given sedation in the form of a pill taken around an hour before surgery. You will have reduced awareness of what is happening around you and it will take some time for the drugs to wear off.
Intravenous sedation – If you need heavy sedation because your fear of the dentist is overwhelming, or because you are having a very invasive procedure, this will be delivered intravenously. The effects place you on the edge of consciousness and take several hours to wear off.
If you have never undergone sedation before, it is understandable that you might feel concerned about the safety of the process. After all, in order to be sedated, you must be given specific medications that will reduce your anxiety levels, lower your inhibitions and help you feel relaxed and completely at ease.
Fortunately, for most patients, some degree of sedation dentistry is extremely safe. Your dentist should complete a complete assessment of your general health and wellbeing, as well as your need for sedation, before advising which level of sedation dentistry is most appropriate for you. It is important to understand that not all patients will be a suitable candidate for all types of sedation. For example, most patients handle nitrous oxide with no problem, and there are the fewest amount of risks associated with this form of sedation. However, deeper sedation comes with a greater risk of complications, and if you take certain medications or suffer from some health problems, you may not be a suitable candidate for their use.
Whatever form of sedation you are having, your trained and experienced dentistry team will monitor your vital signs at all times – your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels – to make sure that you aren’t having an adverse reaction to the sedation.
By choosing an experienced sedation dentistry team for your procedure, you can make your that your smile and your fear are in safe and reassuring hands. Contact Riverview Dental in Corunna, MI today to find out more about how sedation dentistry works and how it can benefit you 989-743-4851.