Published on April 30, 2021
By Riverview Dental
Does your tooth hurt when you eat or put pressure on it? It could be a sign that your tooth is infected and may need a root canal treatment. A root canal treatment is a tooth repair procedure that removes the decay in your tooth's root, nerve, and pulp. The treatment takes away the rot in these areas, cleans, and seals them up to prevent them from decaying again.
Back in the day, a root canal treatment was known to be a painful ordeal, and it continues to have a bad rap owing to that. However, the treatment has improved these days, and it pains far less than the uneasiness caused by an ailing tooth. Here are eight signs that you need a root canal.
Aching in your teeth that is not triggered by any particular cause can be stressful, and you should have your dentist examine the ache right away. If chewing or applying weight to your tooth leaves you with severe pain, your dentist may recommend a root canal.
If your tooth stings when you ingest a hot meal or drink a cold beverage, your tooth is sensitive. Piercing pains or dull aches that linger on your teeth are an indication that the nerves and blood vessels in your teeth are hurt and need treatment.
Inflamed or pudgy gums will appear pinker than their normal pink color, and the inflammation may cover segments of your teeth. If your gums are sore, evidently inflamed, or sensitive, the inside part of your tooth may be infected. Inflammation is the body's natural reaction to infection or decay in your teeth.
If your tooth fractures or breaks from biting hard or as a result of an accidental injury, germs can seep into the damage and cause puffiness and infection. If your tooth does not fracture or chip after an accident, the nerves in your tooth may still be hurt. The nerves can then become sore and cause pain and sensitivity, necessitating treatment.
Pimple-like swellings on your gum are signs that you have a dental issue that may require a root canal. Such pimples form due to decay from bacteria, and your dentist needs to check them out.
Does your gum still hurt long after you are done eating or drinking? If you continue to feel aching in your tooth and gum long after interaction with triggers, you need to see your dentist and know if you require a root canal.
A blister in your jaw will appear like a black spot in an x-ray. The hole is a sign of decay, and it comes about because your jawbone cannot develop around a rotting tooth.
If your gums are becoming darker, they could be infected. If your tooth is decaying and deteriorating, your gums will also start rotting.
To know more about root canals, visit Riverview Dental at our office in Corunna, Michigan. You can also call 989-743-4851 to book an appointment today.